Javier Mayoral, *1961

* 1961 in Madrid. Auf die Frage, wer hinter Bild stecke, antwortete der Künstler, er heisse Javier Mayoral, sei in Spanien geboren und lebe heute in den USA, sei Patron. Er habe keinerlei künstlerische Ausbildung, könne keinen künstlerischen Werdegang vorweisen. Nach Erhalt bedauerte ich, dass er sein Bildchen nicht signiert hat – er antwortete, dies tue ihm leid, er hätte es auf Wunsch signiert, halte seine Arbeit aber für nicht für so wichtig...

Artikel aus der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, 19.07.2012


A surrealist and his influences
"Outsider Folk Art" Javier Mayoral calls his wooden panels, which are 20 cm by 25 cm, and pictures that cost only $ 9.90 each. After Til Mette published his recently auctioned portrait of Willy Brandt and a Romanian space traveler on Facebook, his friends, including comedian and presenter Wigald Boning, started a race for Mayoral's pictures. They wanted one at first, then more. Because the originals show what the Ebay photos cannot show: a sure hand, a perfect stroke and a touching immediacy.
Does Mayoral, born in Madrid in 1961 and living in Miami for decades, see himself as a cheap art artist? He doesn't mind, but sees himself more as a surrealist, and important influences make his pictures so appealing: Dada, Fritz Lang, Miles Davis, Max Ernst, Bauhaus and ventriloquist. Also important to him is Raymond Roussel's book "Locus Solus", whose surreal scenes had an impact on American culture all the way to Hollywood.
You could get addicted. In the meantime, Javier Mayoral's pictures on Ebay are occasionally raised to more than $ 100 by repeat buyers: anyone who has held one of the small, cranky originals in their hands wants more of it. By the way, he doesn't have to make a living from this: he is actually a cook and works for three days a week on the private islands off Miami's coast.

selected works: http://pinterest.com/artbrutsammler/art-brut-aussenseiterkunst-folkart-javier-mayoral/

Klick on the picture to download a video presenting artworks by the artist...

Javier Mayoral